by Frankie Soto
The question is not do I love you. You are everyone's crush on the first day
of school; every day is the last day of summer. Unloved has never been your story.
Your doorstep is Valentine's Day and it is
always February 14th. Everyone knocks for an invitation
inside. Leaves flowers at your feet. Sings your praises as the most beautiful
creature they have ever seen
until the vail is slightly brushed aside
the bouquet you brought isn’t always
welcomed in this vase or this house.
There isn’t enough sunlight to share the curtain is quick to close; call an accent a
storm. Claim the window is theirs to board up even if the sun is its own deity.
I wonder does a tree ever look at us and think
do they have permission to be here?
America - the question is not do I love you. It’s would you even notice if I stopped
About the Author
Frankie A Soto is a 2x winner of the Multicultural Poet of the year award from the National Spoken Word Poetry Awards and is now a 2020 Nominee for the current award. The New York Times called him an absolute force. He’s featured for ABC News, Mayors and has traveled all across the country actively touring and running workshops at Colleges/Universities. He’s been published worldwide for online and print publications.
